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Pork – Roast Holiday Box

Pork – Roast Holiday Box


SKU: PRK-140 Categories: , Availability: Out of stock


Locally raised pork package – Roast Holiday Box


  • Pork Blade Roast (5lbs)
  • Pork Chops (2lbs)
  • Spare Ribs (1lb)
  • Bacon (2lbs)
  • Cheese Smokies (2lbs)
  • Salami (2lbs)

This purchase will support an entrepreneur and future farmer. Barret is 10 and he raised the pigs with love and excellent care.

Looking to make an order in bulk?

Quality Grains

Grown in the rich soil of the Northwest, and using spent grain from the local breweries for optimum tenderness and flavor.

Locally Fed

Raised, grown and locally fed right here in O’Connor township, we work with our livestock 365 days of the year.  


Transparency builds trust and we welcome an open conversation to answer any of your questions about our products.


We respect the natural surroundings and environment while utilizing organic matter for soil nutrition — giving back more than we take.


Transparency builds trust and we welcome an open conversation to answer any of your questions about our products.

Quality Grains

Grown in the rich soil of the Northwest, and using spent grain from the local breweries for optimum tenderness and flavor.


We respect the natural surroundings and environment while utilizing organic matter for soil nutrition — giving back more than we take.

Locally Fed

Raised, grown and locally fed right here in O’Connor township, we work with our livestock 365 days of the year.  


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